I am a holistic counselor in private practice since 1995. My foundational training is in Core Energetics, a powerful modality working with energy and consciousness, focused on accessing and releasing energetic blocks to create flow and harmony within. I believe in our innate goodness and divine intelligence; when we lessen the interference of our limited programming and survival instincts, our deeper wholeness naturally emerges. I aim to support clients in inviting “all parts of themselves to the table,” in an allowing and non-judgmental atmosphere; to breathe, ground, acknowledge, witness, express, move, accept, embrace; to be present with all that is.
We do not control life, but we have great input into our experience of it, to finding doorways out of suffering into love and grace, our divine birthright. It is an honor to assist others in their path of empowerment, emerging from deeply held patterns of suppression of their voices, bodies and real selves into fuller expression in the present. I draw upon my eclectic experiences and training to work with clients of all backgrounds, offering practical, accessible tools for everyday life.
I have been a passionate and seasoned traveler on the spiritual path, inspired by the teachings of the Pathwork, Adyashanti, Pema Chodron and, more recently, Matt Kahn, Patricia Cota-Robles, Maureen Moss and Jim Self. A particular interest area of study is the shift of dimensions (ascension of vibration) currently unfolding on the planet, and how awareness of this can facilitate our alignment with our deeper selves during these often paradoxical, challenging and changing times.
I am an Interfaith Minister. I served for 8 years as Associate Minister for Sacred Center NY (a large New Thought church), leading the weekly meditation and chants, and performed as a member of the One Voice ensemble. One of my recurrent joys as a minister is performing wedding ceremonies.
I love being a wife and mom, and all of the humbling lessons and gifts that come with it. My other loves are our two dogs, who have taught me more about presence than any teachings.
May you be blessed in your highest evolution.